The Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission is hosting a Tree Steward training workshop Sept. 18-19 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT at its offices at 6100 Southport Rd, Portage, 46368.
This workshop is for representatives of northwest Indiana tree boards, local municipalities, and volunteers. Only 30 spots are available for this event, which is expected to sell out quickly.
There is a $30 registration fee, which will cover lunch for both days of the event. Registration will remain open until September 1 or until all the spots have been filled. After your registration has been confirmed, a representative will contact you about payment. If payment is not made within two weeks of contact, you will be removed from the event.
The registration link is at Please include your email address if you have one, and/or your phone number. If these are not included, you will not be registered. Your information will be kept private.
Because of the high level of interest in the Tree Steward program, attendance is limited to those in the area where the event is being held. If you do not live in the northwest Indiana area, please contact the Community & Urban Forestry Department at to ask about other Tree Steward events near you.
Plan and install natural practices to filter and infiltrate stormwater in the Channel before it reaches Trail Creek
Create or enhance 5 acres of wetlands to improve riparian ecosystem
Reduce likelihood of Cheney Run Channel scouring Trail Creek banks
Install recreation amenities like fishing access sites, trails, and more
Project Summary
Karwick Park/Cheney Run Walkthrough April 6, 2019
The "Before" Pictures
Project Team
Sanitary District of Michigan City
Michael Kuss, General Manager
Steven Stanford, Operations Manager
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Ethan Brown, Senior Community Planning Manager
Delta Institute
Ben Shorofsky, Specialist
Jack Eskin, Senior Specialist
V3 Companies & Ciorba Group
Ted Blahnik (V3)
Tom Slowinski (V3)
Tony Wolff (Ciorba)
Timeline of WHY this Project is Happening
Past: Former natural Cheney Run stream was turned into a piped stormsewer system and channel
1965-1971: Karwick Nature Park used as an unofficial dump site
1972: Dump was closed and covered with sand. Plants naturally took over the site.
2013: A strong rain storm event overloaded the Cheney Run Channel and Trail Creek. Old trash underneath exposed. Emergency repairs were undertaken.
2014-2016: A Feasibility Study was prepared on various potential projects to manage and treat the stormwater flow in the Cheney Run Channel.
Cheney Run Stormwater Wetland Updated Schedule
with Target Completion Dates
January 2019
Kick-off Meeting with Project Team and Engineering Team 1/11/2019
Tree Survey (subject to weather conditions) 2/8/2019
Review H&H Models, Groundwater Baseline 2/8/2019
Coordinate with regulators (IDEM) 2/8/2019
Workshop 1: Visioning - TCWP Meeting 2/13/2019
Workshop 2: Visioning – @ DNR Offices & Krueger Memorial Hall 2/26/2019
V3 Deliverable: 30% Preliminary Engineering Plans 3/6/2019
Project Team reviews and comments on 30% Plans 3/13/2019
Workshop 3: Feedback - TCWP Meeting 3/13/2019
Workshop 4: Feedback – Big Meeting @ Krueger Memorial Hall 3/21/2019
V3 Deliverable: 70% Preliminary Engineering Plans 4/12/2019
Project Team Reviews and Comments: 70% plans, draft permit applications, model updates 4/12/2019
V3 Deliverable: Submit 70% Plans and Permit Applications to USACE, IDEM, IDNR 4/26/2019
May - June
Agency Review (Est 60 days) & provide comments 6/25/2019
V3 Deliverable: Revise and resubmit to agencies per comments 7/25/2019
August - September
Agency Final Review & Approval (Est 60 days) 9/23/2019
V3 Deliverable: Completed 100% Engineering Plans/bid docs 10/23/2019
RFB Released 10/23/2019
Construction Contractor Selected 11/25/2019
December 2019 -March 2020
Construction Period 3/31/2020